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Surrey Audio Works
Repairs and Servicing Rates / Terms

As of January 2024

Bench / diagnosis fee – £50

This is the minimum charge for carrying out your repair or service, and buys you your first hour. Sometimes that's mostly investigation, but sometimes a fault is very obvious and easy to fix and I can complete it within that first hour. In that case, any time remaining within that hour, I will try to add as much value as I can by carrying out checks or tightening fixings and terminals etc.

If the diagnosis reveals that more labour or parts will be required, then I will contact you at that point to give you an estimated cost and discuss the best way to proceed. I will  also advise if the repair is likely to be uneconomical. The £50 minimum fee will still apply in this case.

Hourly Rate – £40  per hour

If, after the diagnostic hour, you wish to proceed with an agreed repair, the hourly fee will be charged. This may include some inexpensive parts, such as small capacitors, resistors and fixings at my discretion. More major parts (or multiple small parts) will be charged at cost (including delivery) + 10% to cover time spent sourcing and ordering. I will endeavour to source parts from the most cost-effective suppliers, although with so many counterfeit parts in circulation, I prefer major suppliers such as Digikey / Mouser / Farnell etc.  

I aim to keep you updated on progress, particularly with regard to cost and timescales. 

A reduced hourly rate may be negotiated, in advance, for jobs requiring extensive amounts of labour, such as complete rewires / refurbishments etc. 

What If There’s A Problem ?

Then please speak to me at the earliest opportunity and we'll get it resolved.  Communication is key.  I want all my customers to be happy.  

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